Smoke Goblin

Smoke Goblin – Korbin Evans – December 2019

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Hobo Goblin

Hobo Goblin – Korbin Evans – December 2019
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Please do not feed the goblins!

Please do not feed the goblins! – Korbin Evans – December 2019

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Monkey – Andy Warhol Style

Monkey – Andy Warhol Style – 2020-06-04 – Korbin Evans

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“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” -Nelson Mandela

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” –Nelson Mandela

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A true artists

K Korbin been drawing Pokémon as a new hobby with new style drawing

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Sorry for not posting lately.

I have not been posting lately due to the fact my father never bothered to mention it till now. I am 11 and am happy in my new home in England.

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Come to the Dark Side

Darth Korbin

Darth Korbin

Pajama day at school came and went pretty quickly and soon it was time to go out trick-or-treating.  I got dressed up and ready to go out as Darth Vader.  We visited the local neighbors then my dad and I rode our bikes over to Crescent St. in Cambridge.  The street was closed off to cars and the neighborhood was turned into a circus.  There were fortune tellers, and a large elephant:

The Crescent St. Elephant

The Crescent St. Elephant

And some lions in a cage:

The Caged Lions

The Caged Lions

And a very creepy clown, complete with fog machine, music, and a tiny clown helper in the door:

Creepy Clown House

Creepy Clown House

I needed to bring my papa up the stairs at this house.  And finally there was a house giving away my favorite cookie, Oreos!

Oreo Cookie House

Oreo Cookie House

On the way back to the bikes I even got to sit in a police car:

After sitting in a police car

After sitting in a police car (in the front....)

And now I’m eating some of my candy “booty” and trying to avoid going to bed.

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Presenting the Perfect Pumpkin Pirate

We’ve been learning about pumpkins in school for the past week with little tiny pumpkins, but I wanted to play with one of the big pumpkins, so Friday on the way back from school I convinced my mom to carry home a big pumpkin for carving.  This afternoon was rainy (and now snowing for the first time this year) so my dad and I found this very cool pirate pumpkin that we wanted to make.

My dad helped to cut out the top and then it was time for pulling out the “guts” and separating them from the seeds that we were going to make in the oven.  Once the guts were removed and the inside cleaned, we started on the design.  My dad mostly did the cutting, but I did the part removal and directed the location of the teeth to make sure everything looked right.

Here’s our finished design.  I think it came out pretty good.

Perfect Pumpkin Pirate & Me

Here's the finished pumpkin pirate

And here’s what he looks like in the dark, even spookier….

Perfect Pumpkin Pirate in the Dark

Here's Pirate Pumpkin in the Dark

He should looks great on Halloween, which unfortunately this year is on a Monday.  We do have pajama day on Monday at my school, so I’m wearing the special knight pajamas I got from this summer.  I’m sure that these will be a great hit at school and will be sure to take a picture or two with them on to share.

This year for Halloween I was going to be a snake ninja, but I changed my mind and opted to go out as Darth Vader with a light saber instead.  It was a good excuse to get my parents to buy my a light saber that I’ve been wanting for a long time too.

Happy Halloween everyone!

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Chalking one up for Halloween

Last weekend after going down to the Charles River for the Head of the Charles Regatta, we biked back up to Somerville to participate in the Somerville Octoberfest celebration.  The best part was the the community chalk that was run by Jerrie Lyndon of  She did the awesome spider in the middle of the chalk area, but my dad and I made this cool Mexican style “Day of the Dead” skeleton:

Mexican Day of the Dead Skeleton

My dad and I chalked up this skeleton

We also made an angry star:

Angry Star

The Angry Star

And also helped add some legs, a dragon and a snake to the castle:

The Walking Castle

I helped add some legs, a dragon and a snake to this castle

Unfortunately it did rain that night so all the hard work has washed away, but hopefully I can do it again.

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